When it comes to money, are you a hardworking miser who
wants to make and save a lot of money in order to retire early? I have
seen many people pursuing higher-paying and increasingly
demanding careers to accomplish this goal. They make many
personal sacrifices __1__ income today. The problem is that
tomorrow might not come. __2__ all goes according to your plan, will
you know how to be happy when you’re not working? More
importantly, who will be around to share your leisure time? One of the
__3__ of engaging in an intense career is time spent away from
friends and family. You may indeed realize your goal of retiring early,
but you may be __4__ too much living today in expectation of living
tomorrow. As Charles D’Orleans said in 1465, “It’s very well to be
thrifty, but don’t amass a hoard of regrets.”
( ) 1. (A) at the cost of (B) aside from (C) in charge of (D) in exchange for
( ) 2. (A) Until (B) Even if (C) As long as (D) At least
( ) 3. (A) values (B) prizes (C) benefits (D) costs
( ) 4. (A) going after (B) putting off (C) figuring out (D) coming up with
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