閱讀測驗是很多考生畏懼的英文題型之一,其實閱讀測驗的解題並不難,因為外國人寫文章都愛用破題法,只要看第一段即可知道文章大概在講什麼內容。例如在此篇文章的第一段中,有提到“Austrian” (奧地利的)、“emperor” (皇帝)、“palace” (皇宮),所以文章一定跟“奧地利的皇帝及皇宮”有關。只要耐心看完整篇文章,從文章中找線索,多讀、多練習,一定可以提升閱讀能力!
One thing the Austrian emperors liked was building palaces, and
they built these in a grand way. There are numerous palaces
scattered around Vienna, and the Schonbrunn Palace is definitely no
exception when it comes to grandeur. Schonbrunn was the summer
residence of the emperor Franz Joseph and was used from the
mid-eighteenth century onward. During these times, Vienna was a
very powerful European city, and over the years, the rooms of this
palace played host to many notable events.
Various historical figures have stayed here at the palace, none
less so than Napoleon Bonaparte, and in this very room, Mozart
played that famous first concert for the emperor at just six years of
age. Every room has a different theme, and the palace is, in itself, a
richly artistic canvas. In addition to this, Schonbrunn is an example of
near perfection in preservation. Practically everything you see here,
from the ornate tableware to the flooring, is exactly as it was during
the period.
( ) 1. According to the passage, what did the Austrian emperors like?
(A) They liked to travel around their country.
(B) They liked to build grand palaces.
(C) They liked to taste delicious cuisine.
(D) They liked to spend a lot of money.
( ) 2. Whose summer residence was the Schonbrunn Palace?
(A) Napoleon Bonaparte (B) Julius Caesar
(C) Alexander the Great (D) Franz Joseph
( ) 3. Who has not visited or stayed in the Schonbrunn Palace?
(A) Alexander the Great (B) Napoleon Bonaparte
(C) Franz Joseph (D) Mozart
( ) 4. According to the passage, when was Vienna a very powerful European city?
(A) In the 17th century (B) In the 18th century
(C) In the 19th century (D) In the 20th century
英銘老師:閱讀測驗是很多考生畏懼的英文題型之一,其實閱題測驗的的解題並不難,因為外國人寫文章都愛用破題法,只要看第一段即可知道文章大概在講什麼內容。例如在此篇文章的第一段中,有提到“Austrian” (奧地利的)、“emperor” (皇帝)、“palace” (皇宮),所以文章一定跟“奧地利的皇帝及皇宮”有關。
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